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April Events at Body Logic!

We have a few events going on this month!

We have a new product! You will start to see ASEA products around the office. It is a new product that we are learning about, we will be holding monthly classes for you to learn more! Stay up to date with our classes by visiting out website or follow us on Facebook! Click here for a short video!

There will be a Unplugged Youth event at held by Saving Kids Dreams at the Military Aviation Museum on Saturday April 13th from 12-4pm. Unfortunately Body Logic will not be participating in this event, but it is a great charity to support and FREE for the family!!

Tuesday April 23, 2019 530-630pm

Spring clean your body in just 10 days!! Dr. Amanda will be discussing the importance of “spring cleaning” your diet and the impact it has on your overall health! Click here to sign up today!!



On Saturday May 18th St. John’s is having their annual 5k Stingray Run in Sandbridge. Click here to sign up today!

Other marketing events are on the horizon, be sure to stay up to date through our newsletters and E-blasts!