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Disc Bulge and Herniation Treatment in Virginia Beach

woman in gray shirt holding lower backDisc bulges and herniations are common spinal conditions that can cause low back pain and radiating leg symptoms, significantly disrupting a person’s quality of life. Wondering how these conditions differ?

A disc bulge and herniation differ in their presentation and severity. A disc bulge involves a broader disruption of the outer fibers of the disc, causing the material to push outward in a more spread-out manner.

A herniation is a more focused protrusion where some of the inner nucleus material is able to pierce through a specific part of the outer fibers. This makes a herniation a generally more severe type of injury that can place direct pressure on individual spinal nerves.

What Are Some Symptoms?

Recognizing the symptoms of disc bulge or herniation is the first step in finding relief. Common symptoms include back stiffness, nerve pain, and numbness or tingling that can radiate into the glutes or down the leg.

Risk Factors

The following are common risk factors for disc bulge and herniation:

  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive heavy lifting or strenuous physical activities
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Aging and natural disc degeneration
  • Genetics
  • Previous back injury or trauma

Making a Diagnosis

To diagnose a disc bulge or herniation, it’s important to get an MRI, which is the only way to see the disc’s health and determine if a bulge, herniation, or extrusion is present. However, based on a patient’s symptoms like low back pain, stiffness, and nerve pain radiating into the legs, your chiropractor can evaluate whether the issue is likely disc-related before getting an MRI for confirmation and details.

How We Can Help

At Body Logic, we often successfully address disc-related injuries with chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments can relieve the symptoms by addressing the biomechanical nature of the issue and getting the disc and vertebrae to function correctly. We also offer many other effective therapies, such as cold laser treatment, traction, dry needling, or muscle stimulation.

How Long Does It Take to Recover?

Recovery time from a disc bulge or herniation can vary depending on the person and severity of the condition. Acute cases tend to respond more quickly, possibly within a week or two, while chronic cases may take up to 3-4 weeks.

Supporting Treatments At Home

Our chiropractors also recommend that patients use ice to calm the inflammatory process and engage in light stretching exercises at home to support their chiropractic care and aid in recovery.

Book an Appointment

While dealing with the discomfort of a disc bulge or herniation can be a challenge, know that with the proper care, you can heal and get back to what you love in life!

Contact Body Logic today to schedule an appointment.



Disc Bulge and Herniation Treatment | (757) 427-0355