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Goal Setting for 2019

I was recently working with my Life Coach in an effort to establish personal and professional goals I want to accomplish over the next few weeks, months, and even years.  The past year has been a blur of trying to establish routine with two kids while continuing to be career-driven.  The moments when “life gets crazy” can be the hardest time to remain focused and continue to aspire toward the goals once written down on a napkin somewhere.  I must give a lot of credit to Mary Holt, creator of All Things Possible- Life Coaching Services, LLC (  She has helped me re-establish the focus that gets lost from time to time.  And she has already helped me attain many of my goals over the years.  Thank you, Mary.

As I currently plan for 2019, I encourage everyone to include health-driven goals for the upcoming year.  When establishing goals, whether health, financial or other, it is very important to remain realistic.  For me, it’s easy to get my head in the clouds and lose sight of reality.  I dream BIG!  And there’s nothing wrong with that, except that BIG usually takes longer to accomplish.  So this year I plan on setting small goals and celebrate each one along the way to attaining the big goal.

One of the best tools I’ve come across when establishing goals is to follow SMART goal setting guidelines.  The benefit of using SMART goal setting is that it provides structure and trackability.  Additionally, using the SMART method will provide a more positive approach to goal setting with the reduced likelihood for disappointment.  I hope this helps you like it has for me.

Here’s a simple example for you to ponder…Goal: Losing 10 lbs

S = Specific

What do I want to achieve?  Lose 10 lbs.

When?  By the end of the of 1st quarter (March 31st)… remember to be realistic!

How? Exercise and dietary changes…. What dietary changes need to be made??  Remove processed sugar from diet.  How often do I need to exercise??  30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 days/week.

Are there any limitations? Social gatherings and meal prepping.  I will need to be mindful of special events and plan to avoid sugar accordingly.  I will meal prep on the weekend to prevent last minute poor choices.

Why do I want to accomplish my goal? To improve my overall health. To prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.  To fit into those black pants I bought last year.  To improve my energy levels.

M = Measurable

How do I know I’m heading in the right direction to accomplish my goal?  I will weigh myself every 2 weeks and adjust my lifestyle accordingly based on the results.

A = Attainable

Is my goal truly attainable?  Yes.  It is realistic to lose 10 lbs over 12 weeks when including dietary and exercise changes.

R = Relevant

Is my goal relevant to me and my needs/wants?  Yes.  To improve my health, I need to lose weight.

T = Timely

Do I have the time to accomplish my goal? Yes.  I chose the 1st quarter of the year to accomplish my goal because my doctor gave me a deadline that if I don’t lose some weight I will have to start taking a medication that I don’t want to take.  I have very few obligations during that time.  This will help prevent situations that could sabotage my efforts toward weight loss.

Happy goal setting!!